About Gospel Equip
Many in the church are fearful or apathetic toward evangelism. We inspire everyday Christians to encounter the power of the Gospel and equip them with field-tested tools to boldly share their faith.
About Gospel Equip
Many in the church are fearful or apathetic toward evangelism. We inspire everyday Christians to encounter the power of the Gospel and equip them with field-tested tools to boldly share their faith.
50k People Reached
25+ Years in Evangelism
Hundreds of Christians Trained
“The Power of God is the Gospel”
“The best way to evangelize is to be so filled with the Word and so filled with the Holy Spirit that the gospel just flows from you naturally.” – Tony Ramsek

About Tony Ramsek
Tony Ramsek has been sharing the gospel with people since his early 20s. Tony had the distinct privilege of leading evangelism events for almost 24 years at Answers in Genesis, builder of the life-sized replica of Noah’s Ark (the Ark Encounter). Working under founder and CEO Ken Ham, Tony represented AiG to thousands of people, including various speaking engagements.
BUT, Tony wasn’t always so comfortable sharing the gospel.
In fact, Tony began sharing the gospel with much fear (and quite a few blunders). For all the mistakes made in evangelism, Tony has probably done them – possibly more than once. That’s why he aimed to simplify the evangelism process so that everyday Christians could share the faith with almost anyone.
Read Tony’s Personal Testimony
I am a wretched sinner saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone to the glory of God alone.
I grew up in a home where my mom was Roman Catholic and my dad was mildly Buddhist. But I was generally a skeptic. I didn’t believe that God wrote the Bible or that Jesus was God, necessarily.
The Lord saved me in Portland, OR, when I was about 25 years old. My girlfriend and I have been together since we were 15 years old. After we both graduated with bachelor’s degrees in Business from the University of California, we moved to Portland, were living in sin, and even
bought a house together with two separate names on the mortgage.
But the Lord started convicting me of my sin and the truthfulness of His Word and the gospel.
After ten years together as unbelievers, my girlfriend and I got married and now we are blessed to have six beautiful children from 7 years old to 23.
When I was 25, I surrendered my life to Christ, and immediately, God gave me the desire to work for Him full-time. The Lord opened up a Christian ministry called Focus on the Family where I served Him for almost two years.
After that the Lord opened up Answers in Genesis (AiG) to work in IT and lead evangelism events. I was blessed to serve at AiG for almost 24 years. Personally I’ve been doing evangelism outreaches for over 25 years and training others how to share their faith for about 10 years now. Last year I also started training the trainers who want to be leaders in evangelism in their local churches.
What Does the Scripture Say is a 501c3 started in 2020. In late 2023 I resigned from Answers in Genesis to go into full-time evangelism training and gospel outreach. Gospel Equip is the name of the speaking/training ministry of What Does the Scripture Say.
May Jesus Christ be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain!
Statement of Faith
I agree with the statements of faith from both Answers in Genesis and Living Waters.
Download Tony Ramsek's Speaker Bio
Testimony from Jon Neifert
"You have helped me and many other Christians in this pursuit. You demonstrate a commitment to Scripture and the doctrines of the church. You are a great teacher and story-teller that helps others see how they can participate."
Testimony from Roger Galitz
"Your work in the Lord has equipped and encouraged me (as well as countless others) to boldly and joyfully proclaim the Gospel to the lost; who are so clearly loved by you and our Lord Jesus Christ."