Equip Your Church to Share Jesus Without Fear
Evangelism Training for Everyday Christians Start a ConversationEquip Your Church to Share Jesus Without Fear
Evangelism Training for Everyday Christians Start a ConversationThe Need for the Gospel
In Your Community
Only 3 in 10 unchurched Americans (29%) say a Christian has ever shared with them one-on-one how a person becomes a Christian.
Do People in Your Church Actively Share their Faith?
Your church is not alone.
Most Christians are afraid of sharing the gospel because of fear of rejection, lack of confidence, or just not feeling equipped with answers to skeptical questions. And that fear is keeping people from hearing the gospel.
We’re on a mission to change that.

Inspiring and Equipping Christians to Share the Gospel

Get Equipped
Get real-world practice with expert support.

Discover the Secret
Learn how to enjoy evangelism.

Share with No Fear
Gain boldness in reaching the lost.
“Tony will equip your church with answers to common questions and give you practical tools for a lifetime of sharing the gospel.”
“Tony has a deep concern for the lost—to where he not only teaches how to biblically reach them, but he does it personally.”
“I know Tony would be a great fit to equip your church for the work of ministry.”
Watch Some of our Short Videos
Download Tony Ramsek's Speaker Bio
Testimony from Jon Neifert
"You have helped me and many other Christians in this pursuit. You demonstrate a commitment to Scripture and the doctrines of the church. You are a great teacher and story-teller that helps others see how they can participate."
Testimony from Roger Galitz
"Your work in the Lord has equipped and encouraged me (as well as countless others) to boldly and joyfully proclaim the Gospel to the lost; who are so clearly loved by you and our Lord Jesus Christ."